Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Super Feep

There's a song by the Austin-based Asylum Street Spankers called "Super Chief," about a long and pleasant train ride. I love trains and am quite fond of the song for that reason, but ever since I made this feep I find myself substituting "Super Feep" into the lyrics, probably because there's something wrong with my brain. All aboard the Super Feep!


Karen said...

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a train? No it's a Super Feep!

What's his/her super power do you think?

Dylan Edwards said...

It's possible this feep excels at looking surprised, but then a lot of feeps have that power.

This IS the only feep I've ever made that has a cape, so perhaps its power is the Ability to Get Dressed in the Morning?