The fossil records show that early snoots were much less pronounced than those of the modern Von Snoot feeps. Clearly evolution has favored the snoot, but the exact mechanism by which it provides a benefit remains unknown.
I'm a cartoonist and a sculptor. The cartoons are generally aimed at adults and tend to be Not For Everyone. The sculpts are my Feeping Creatures monster figurines and art, and are suitable for all ages. I do a lot of scfi-fi/comic conventions and art fairs where I sell the Feeps as part of my ongoing effort to increase the number of monsters in people's homes and offices.
I come up with the captions for these photos first thing in the morning, when I'm still half asleep. If they seem a little surreal sometimes that's probably why. You are more than welcome to comment with your own caption ideas.
As the Von Snoots are obviously snobs their long noses are all the better to turn up at you when they disapprove!
Do they turn up their noses or look down their snouts?
Ooh I reckon a combination of the two.
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