Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cat Monster and ASG Art Show

The Austin Sketchgroup Art Show goes up today, and this is one of the pieces I'll be displaying, along with all the other new ACEOs I've been posting lately. I've done nine new pieces, so if you've been out to one of my shows recently you should come by again to see the new stuff.

The show is going to be at The Hideout, which is at 617 Congress Ave., right here in Austin. It'll be up for the duration of October. There will be a reception at some point, which I will announce here once I know the date.


Budcrud said...

Hey, I saw your work at the Hideout this morning. FUN!

Dylan Edwards said...

Cool! Thanks for stopping by to comment. Come back for the reception, whenever it may be (probably towards the end of the month).