Sorry my posting has been sporadic. I hurt my hand and spending too long on the computer makes it worse, so I have been trying to limit my typing time. Hopefully things shall return to normal next week.
The snat seemed a bit grumpy this trip. I guess the cat part of it wasn't really thrilled with all the water, but I figured the snail part would dig the moisture. Then I realized it was salt water we were talking about. Ooops.
Turns out this is where they keep the sun. And it feels kinda like it has a giant magnifying glass in front of it. It's not crazy hot (*cough*Austin*cough*), but it is extremely intense.
Watching the kite surfers from a safe distance (you'll probably have to click on the photo to enlarge in order to see the kites). But yes, it can be a little scary to be on the beach with them, as they're moving pretty fast and the kite wires look like they could garrotte you in you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I'm a cartoonist and a sculptor. The cartoons are generally aimed at adults and tend to be Not For Everyone. The sculpts are my Feeping Creatures monster figurines and art, and are suitable for all ages. I do a lot of scfi-fi/comic conventions and art fairs where I sell the Feeps as part of my ongoing effort to increase the number of monsters in people's homes and offices.
I come up with the captions for these photos first thing in the morning, when I'm still half asleep. If they seem a little surreal sometimes that's probably why. You are more than welcome to comment with your own caption ideas.