I don't typically draw during a show since I prefer to keep my attention on the people who are coming up to the table. But I sensed there was someone in need of an owl, so I did what needed to be done.
I'm still recovering and reorganizing post-San Diego, hence the delay in getting back to my daily schedule here. BUT! I have at least managed to process most of the photos I took.
As you can see, things were a bit on the chaotic side.
Close to being over my cold, but not all the way there yet. For some reason, stressing over having to be on a plane tomorrow is not helping. Funny, that!
I am starting to feel a bit better, that very dangerous intersection of not quite better enough to be 100% well, but better enough to feel bored and restless and prone to over-exertion. Must remind self of how much SDCC will suck if I'm still ill. Siddown, self, and be quiet and still but a bit longer.
Aaaand, wouldn't you know it. I've picked up a cold a scant few days before SDCC. Hopefully I can knock it out quickly, but it does mean getting less stuff done before leaving. Sigh.
In shop news, a bunch of my Etsy listings are going to expire this month (some already have), but I'm waiting until after Comic Con to relist since probably a bunch of that stuff is going to get sold at the show. Since SDCC is just over a week away it would be silly to pay relist fees right now, y'see?
But I shall update the store thoroughly upon my return.
There is a veritable baby boom amongst my friends. At a recent shower there were blank shirts and fabric markers set out, so I made this feep shirt for the impending infant.
The San Diego Comic Con is barely three weeks away, which means I should be on the ball making a bunch of new feeps. Unfortunately, I fell into a sticker bush the other day and my feepin' hand is currently full of tiny splinters. I'm hoping this situation will resolve itself in a couple of days (I think I've managed to pick out the worst ones, just need to let the wounds heal).
I'm a cartoonist and a sculptor. The cartoons are generally aimed at adults and tend to be Not For Everyone. The sculpts are my Feeping Creatures monster figurines and art, and are suitable for all ages. I do a lot of scfi-fi/comic conventions and art fairs where I sell the Feeps as part of my ongoing effort to increase the number of monsters in people's homes and offices.
I come up with the captions for these photos first thing in the morning, when I'm still half asleep. If they seem a little surreal sometimes that's probably why. You are more than welcome to comment with your own caption ideas.