I'd like to think that tongue is for drinking nectar from the lovely spring flowers, but really it's probably for slorping out your eyeballs. Eh, what can ya do?
I made a few feep turtles like this, with glass beads for shells. It was a bit of a hassle, though, since the bead had to be removed during baking and then glued back on after. I have definitely gravitated towards reducing the number of steps involved in feep creation, even as the feeps themselves grow more complex.
Snake feeps have a tendency to get mixed reactions, since so many people have an instinctive fear of snakes (turns out that's common for primates in general, not just humans). But then there are Snake People, who leap with glee upon seeing snakely representations.
While this was not the first feep I made that incorporated a cat theme, I think this was the first one where it was simply "cat," sans other qualifiers (tentacle, slug, etc.).
I believe this was part of the first set of feeps I ever made. It sort of resembles a single-celled organism with pseudopods, out looking for bacteria to devour.
I have entertained the notion of turning my own car into a giant feep, but I'm not sure I'll ever have the time. I shall have to settle for little wooden incarnations.
Here we have a hideously ugly troll. I mean, just look at that disgustingly lustrous hair, the grotesque straight nose, the tiny, insignificant teeth, and the revoltingly wart-free skin. The other trolls can barely stand to look upon him.
As per usual, the cat would like to know why you're wasting your time doing whatever it is you're doing that does not involve feeding or petting the cat.
It was the weirdest thing. The other day I heard the sound of something somewhere in the house go crashing to the floor. But all the cats were asleep on the bed.
The two most likely possibilities:
1. Poltergeists, of course.
2. The cats have invented a badness timer so they can be bad even as they sleep.
Got all the feep figurines moved over to Etsy, as well as the ACEOs. I added a bunch of new ACEOs that I did last year but never got around to putting up on eBay, as well as a couple of 2" x 2" mini-drawings (like the one above) I've had kicking around but never listed online.
This concludes the Ren Feeps set (for now!). And I believe this is the last weekend for Sherwood Forest Faire, so if you intend to go but haven't yet, now would be the time!
I'm a cartoonist and a sculptor. The cartoons are generally aimed at adults and tend to be Not For Everyone. The sculpts are my Feeping Creatures monster figurines and art, and are suitable for all ages. I do a lot of scfi-fi/comic conventions and art fairs where I sell the Feeps as part of my ongoing effort to increase the number of monsters in people's homes and offices.
I come up with the captions for these photos first thing in the morning, when I'm still half asleep. If they seem a little surreal sometimes that's probably why. You are more than welcome to comment with your own caption ideas.